If you do fall victim to a sharp-toothed protozoan, you'll rehatch with no real punishment.

However, it is all ultrasimple: You swim around eating so you can get bigger, and avoid being eaten. Then, you add a few bits that make you swim faster or jab harder, and jump back into the gene pool. To enter the cell creator, you send out a mating call, which lets you get romantic with another member of your species. You'll also uncover new parts as you swim about, and can then attach them to your organism. If you're an herbivore, you seek out the green algae if you're a carnivore, you need meat, which means waiting for a fish fight to break out and gobbling up the remains, or starting the fight yourself. From here, you maneuver your cell about the screen using the keyboard or mouse, avoiding creatures that are looking to you for their next meal while grabbing a bite or two yourself. You choose the path of a carnivore or an herbivore at the outset, which determines what sort of food bits you can munch on. The accompanying gameplay is similarly minimal, and if you've played Flow for the PlayStation 3 or PSP, you will have a good idea of how it works. The creation tools at this stage are simple, limited to a 2D cell and a few odds and ends, like flagella and spikes. (However, once you unlock a stage, you can start a new game there and bypass any stage that comes before it). The game is split into five stages, starting with the cell stage. In a game of Spore proper, however, you won't start off by molding the creature of your dreams. The early release of the Creature Creator has already proven that community involvement is a core aspect of the Spore experience, and the sharing factor is poised to give the game remarkable longevity. Not only will doing so give you access to the Sporepedia, but most of the other creatures, vehicles, and even entire planets you encounter will have been created by other players. In fact, to get the most out of the game, you should be online whenever you play.

In Spore, community and gameplay come together in a fresh and user-friendly manner. And you can do this from within the game proper using an online database called the Sporepedia. It's actually a lot of fun to sift through others' creations, if only to marvel at the remarkable amount of imagination on display. Even better, you can utilize Spore's extensive community tools, inserting other players' innovations into your own game in progress.

You will need to put some creative energy into Spore, but if you aren't the artistic type or don't find the building- and vehicle-creation tools as interesting as those for your creature, you can use premade designs that ship with the game.

Yet even if your onscreen buddy is a three-armed ogre with scales running up his belly, you'll be spending some time getting to know him in the first few hours of gameplay, and you'll probably develop some affection for him in spite of his hideousness. You don't need to be a budding Pablo Picasso to make an interesting creature, however just slapping a bunch of random parts together can result in a truly hysterical beast. Each part of your creation can be turned, resized, and twisted, so whether you wish to re-create a favorite cartoon character or develop an original concept, you'll probably find what you need in here. The creatures are the true stars though, and you can mix and match legs, arms, mouths, wings, and lots of other parts into a beautiful work of art-or a hideous monstrosity. At various stages, you'll construct, for example, town halls, land vehicles sporting cannons, and aircraft that spout religious propaganda. If you've played the separate Creature Creator, released earlier this year, you're only seeing a small piece of the puzzle. Spore's greatest asset, by far, is its intuitive set of creation tools. By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's